Transform Your Looks in Roswell, GA & Charlotte, NC
Rediscover your vibrancy with fewer eye bags, lighter lids, and softer crow's feet. At Luxurious Beauty Pros in Roswell and Charlotte, we offer ethical, organic solutions for the health-conscious who seek wellness and sustainable beauty. Embrace a more radiant you with treatments that balance beauty and well-being. You deserve a life of natural, sustainable beauty.
Easy Care & Lasting Results
When properly applied and cared for, an eyelash extension set will remain in place until the natural lash on which it rests, falls out. This can be as long as two months or more. To maintain this look and extend the life of your eyelash extensions, follow these easy care instructions
Natural eyelashes are programmed to grow in and fall out in cycles (every 60 to 90 days which equals 2 to 3 months). When a natural lash matures and falls out, a new natural lash has already been growing and quickly replaces it without us noticing the turnover. This process is constant and at any given moment our many natural lashes are at different stages of their life cycle. Some are just growing in while others are ready to shed. People typically shed between 1 and 5 natural lashes each day depending on our individual growth cycles. On shorter natural lashes this growing and shedding cycle is virtually unnoticeable.
When eyelashes are extended with Xtreme Lashes™ it will be more noticeable when a lash sheds because they are longer and darker than natural lashes. Please keep in mind, this is a perfectly normal occurrence with or without extensions. Lash Stylists will apply Xtreme Lashes™ primarily to those lashes that are in the middle of their maturation cycle to maximum the amount of time they will last while not jeopardizing the health of baby lashes. The Xtreme Lash will fall out with the natural lash it is attached to when it reaches the end of its growth cycle. This time frame will vary for each individual lash depending on where it is in the growth cycle when the extension is applied. A few Xtreme Lashes™ may be lost in the first week because the attached natural lashes were at the end of their growth cycle however most will remain in place for approximately two months.
With proper care and maintenance, touch ups are needed typically only once every 2 to 3 weeks to replace the lashes that have shed. Your Xtreme Lashes™ Stylist will add extensions to the newest mature natural lashes to maintain a full, lush appearance.
Xtreme Lashes™ are easy to maintain. The first forty-eight hours are crucial to the bonding of Xtreme Lashes™. Clients should keep them dry and avoid touching them initially. After forty-eight hours’ care is simple: avoid oil based products and be gentle with the lashes.
Do not wash eyes or excessively shower for 48 hours after lash application. We suggest you shampoo your hair prior to your appointment as to avoid moisture. Do not swim or spa for 48 hours after lash application to allow adequate time for bonding. Do not steam vegetables, take clothes out hot dryer, or generally do anything that produces moisture around your eyes until the lashes have fully cured (48 hours.)
Be gentle with your lashes.
Avoid rubbing and touching your eyes.
Try not sleep on your lashes.
Avoid oil-based and waterproof mascara. Water based mascara and water based mascara remover may be used. Use mascara sparingly and gently remove mascara with water-based eye makeup remover. We also retail water-based mascara, specially formulated for eyelash extensions, Apply mascara to the tips only.
We recommend getting a touch up every two to three weeks.
Be sure to discuss the use of contact lenses and/or eye drops with your lash stylist for proper application while wearing eyelash extensions.